JV Alchemist Editorial Team

Ankura The Joint Venture Alchemist

JV Board Governance Practices

Understand and compare the practices related to Board governance and shareholder audit
processes in a set of large, asset-intensive JVs. Refine an emerging set of JV Governance
standards developed by Water Street Partners and CalPERS. Promote a discussion about the importance of
governance to JV financial and operating performance.

Ankura The Joint Venture Alchemist

JV CEO Authority Levels

This document provides a basis for JV CEOs to compare approaches and practices on Authority
Levels and where possible, to understand which approaches are linked to better venture performance. It is meant to help CEOs identify opportunities for improving their effectiveness.

Ankura The Joint Venture Alchemist

JV CEO Risk Management

This document provides a basis for JV CEOs to compare approaches and practices Risk Management
and where possible, to understand which approaches are linked to better venture performance. It is meant to help CEOs identify opportunities for improving their effectiveness.

Ankura The Joint Venture Alchemist

JV CEO Time Allocation

This document provides a basis for JV CEOs to compare approaches and practices on Time Allocation, and where possible, to understand which approaches are linked to better venture performance. It is meant to help CEOs identify opportunities for improving their effectiveness.

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