Key Insights from the 2023 Joint Venture Governance Benchmarking Study – an Online Briefing
The governance of joint ventures matters. Today, many companies hold interests in numerous joint ventures – businesses or assets that offer great promise and introduce significant risks due to their shared ownership and decision-making structure.
Protecting IP in Today’s Joint Ventures and Partnerships
Many JVs and partnerships are built on co-creating and jointly commercializing IP. Our analysis of IP provisions across 38 JVs and non-equity partnerships offers guidance for developing an IP governance approach.
What’s the Best Way to Structure a Joint Venture?
The advantages JVs offer can come with challenges that make joint venture agreements more difficult to negotiate.
Learning from the Construction Industry to Efficiently Manage (and Prevent) Disputes in your Joint Venture: Dispute Review Boards
The dispute review board, an innovative technique developed by the construction industry to resolve disagreements, can also help keep joint ventures on track.
When Partners Can Punt Disputes to a Third Party
A neutral third party can be highly effective in resolving JV disputes – and can also fall flat.
Joint Ventures and Partnerships: The Year in Review – and Ahead
This snapshot of record-breaking JV and partnership activity in 2022 keeps you updated on recent trends and helps you plan for what’s to come in 2023.