JV Governance Excellence – Introducing the JV Board Governance Index
Moving beyond regulatory compliance and checkboxes.
JV Governance Excellence – Why JV Governance Matters – Part 1
JV Boards do not work as well as they should. That makes life difficult for Directors and Management.
Shareholder Management – The Forgotten Function of JV Boards
How might JV Boards elevate shareholder management to its rightful place of prominence? Water Street Partners recently updated our Standards for JV Board Governance, which includes the following expectations with regard to shareholder management.
Exit Risks in Joint Ventures
Risks related to exit terms and post-exit considerations, including examples of what companies can do to mitigate these risks.
Information Sharing with Company Joint Ventures
Checklist and key design considerations for companies evaluating what types of information access to provide to their JVs.
JV Deal High-Level
The purpose of this checklist is to provide a starting point for deal teams working on a potential new JV on the main issues surrounding the formation of a Joint Venture and the terms that should be discussed between the shareholders during the deal process.
Structuring JV Deals to Manage Commercial Conflicts
When it makes sense to structure the deal to promote the JV’s interest.