Partner Screening Criteria: Excel Template
Tool to assess different aspects of potential partner compatibility.
James Bamford is a Senior Advisor at Ankura based in Washington, DC. He joined Ankura with the firm’s 2020 acquisition of Water Street Partners, which he co-founded in 2008. Water Street Partners has been independently ranked as the number one global advisor on joint ventures since 2017. Prior to Water Street, he was global co-lead of the Joint Venture & Alliance Practice at McKinsey & Company.
View Full ProfileTool to assess different aspects of potential partner compatibility.
Survival of the fittest: Does your JV have what it takes to evolve? The purpose of this article is to highlight some of the findings from a recent Water Street Partners research initiative on the topic.
The most important questions to ask when defining exit provisions for a JV, including boundary conditions, exit mechanisms, and post-termination issues.
Case study of how a parent company in an upstream oil and gas JV planned a partner influencing campaign directed at the JV operator.
Self-assessment for JV management teams to quickly calibrate how their JV is performing relative to the CalPERS JV Governance Guidelines.
Examples of governance structures and organization charts utilized by JVs across a variety of industries.
This article by necessity is a short extract of the full set of tools and best practices identified in our assessment. Members can contact us for a full report and various tools, case examples, and data.
Detailed case study for a secondee strategy, with templates for creating your own.