A Creative Shift in Joint Ventures Amidst Surging Restructurings and Green Energy Slowdown: H1 2024 in Review
Joint Venture Index®: H1 2024 in Review
June 21, 2023
Our Downstream & Chemicals Joint Venture Roundtable brings together executives who work on downstream or chemical JVs to share practical insights about structuring and governing these partnerships. This June, we have three particularly hot topics on the agenda – JV deal trends, sustainability, and JV governance. More specifically, Ankura will share its latest data on JV deal trends, with a focus on downstream and chemical JV deals to spark a discussion on what has and hasn’t changed in the last few years for JV deals. Next, we’ll discuss how carbon capture and storage is playing a role in downstream and chemical JVs. Finally, we’ll discuss joint venture governance and Ankura’s joint venture governance survey.
For more information or to register for this event, please reach out to sylvia.staneva@ankura.com.