Developing a JV/Partner Engagement and Influencing Plan – For Lead Directors
Simplified three-step process and illustrated example that Lead Directors and others can use to develop a world-class JV/partner influencing plan.
James Bamford is a Senior Advisor at Ankura based in Washington, DC. He joined Ankura with the firm’s 2020 acquisition of Water Street Partners, which he co-founded in 2008. Water Street Partners has been independently ranked as the number one global advisor on joint ventures since 2017. Prior to Water Street, he was global co-lead of the Joint Venture & Alliance Practice at McKinsey & Company.
View Full ProfileSimplified three-step process and illustrated example that Lead Directors and others can use to develop a world-class JV/partner influencing plan.
Three-step process and illustrated example for developing a world-class JV/partner influencing plan.
The most important questions to ask when evaluating a JV’s decision-making process, or defining a JV delegations of authority framework.
The following represents Water Street Partners’ suggestions on the key topics to be addressed in a Term Sheet for a proposed natural resource project joint venture.
Rights typically given to minority JV shareholders, and additional rights to consider during deal negotiation.
The purpose of this note is to outline a process for potential partners to use during deal structuring and negotiations to determine Operator fee structures and levels. In addition, we also make the case for why Lead Operating Partners should be competitively compensated by non-operators, including those in the upstream Oil & Gas industry.
A menu of seven practices, plus advice from JV CEOs, on effectively managing shareholder reporting requests.
How companies are organizing to manage their JV portfolios.
Considering the full venture lifecycle during the deal process may make it harder to close – but can help avoid problems down the road.