JVs and Partnerships Rebound in September for Strong Third Quarter
Ankura Joint Venture Index®: Third Quarter 2022
Ankura Joint Venture Index®: First Quarter 2021
MARCH 2021 – The last year has been a shock, with many businesses taking the opportunity to recalibrate and reload. Joint Ventures and Partnerships were a central strategy, a key tool to cut costs, raise capital, and access new markets and technologies.
We saw the need for a comprehensive analysis and rigorous measure of the state of the joint venture and partnership market, and its potential impact. We leveraged our in-depth analysis and pioneering standards to that end: this month, we’re introducing the Ankura Joint Venture Index®.
The Index is a first-of-its-kind barometer of joint venture and partnership activity, and a distillation of key trends we’re seeing across industries and geographies. The Ankura JV index rights a longstanding wrong: while Pitchbook, the Deal, and an army of law and consulting firms have been tracking and commenting on M&A activity and trends for years, no one has done this in a sustained and systematic way with M&A’s unruly sibling: joint ventures and partnerships. We’ll bring you the Ankura Joint Venture Index® quarterly.